“Arielle offers a grounded approach to open important conversations around how we interact with one another in community and on the dance floor. When searching for a facilitator to bring a deeper level of conscious connection and clarity around consent to my retreat, Arielle was first on my mind. She exceeded my expectations in creating space for participants to share desires and boundaries with one another in such a way that the whole group was in a more intimate space throughout the remainder of the retreat. Her workshop transferred smoothly into the nonverbal interactions on the dance floor and gave me a deep sense of safety around the knowledge and tools my participants had to voice boundaries and be clear in how they felt most expansive in connection. I’m grateful for her work and would absolutely welcome her to teach again.”

Annabelle Catalano, Co-Founder of Embodifest


Embodied Leadership in Community Through
Union of the Masculine & Feminine Within

Arielle’s facilitation and teaching work embodied a common thread of devotion to bringing greater balance to the relational ecosystem that exists within any group, community, or collective culture.

Arielle' is an embodied practitioner of what she calls tantric leadership, which is ultimately in service to empowering the individual to come into aligned, embodied, integrated relationship with their own Masculine & Feminine energy as an antidote to playing out distorted models of relating rooted in low self-worth, self-abandonment, and ultimately a forgetting of our inherent connection to Source.

The work prioritizes attunement, self-responsibility, and coming into a deep embodied awareness of the underlying motivations, intentions, and desires that inspires every action we take.

Arielle believes that healing on this planet occurs through remembering our inherent connection to Earth and the Sacred, and learning how to relate from that place on a moment-to-moment basis.


A Transmission on Community…
…and What Ecstatic Dance Taught Me About
Erotic Energy & Personal Sovereignty


Arielle curates transformational learning experiences for communities and group that weave together intimacy, embodiment, dance, sound ritual, and leadership practicums that support harmonizing the relational ecosystem to support greater synergy, joy, compassion, and innovative collaboration.

If you’re curious about bringing Arielle to your group or community, send her a message below sharing a bit about yourself, the group/community you’re wanting to support, and what challenges, skills, and/or areas of growth are most longing to be cultivated/addressed.

“Arielle’s teaching style is unlike anything I’ve experienced before. She has a way of feeling into the group, getting on their level, and delivering exactly what is needed. She designates and maintains clear boundaries as a facilitator, yet is fluid in the way she intuitively interacts with the energy in the room. She creates safe spaces for all people to bring their full selves to her events. It is clear in Arielle’s presence that she is doing the work herself, and in my opinion, this is what makes a great teacher. It allows space for others to bring forward whatever they may be working with, without shame. I continue to be inspired and encouraged by her events and have experienced immense growth in being witnessed by her. Intimacy work has changed my life in ALL the best ways. If you are interested in diving deeper, I can say without hesitation that Arielle is an outstanding and trustworthy coach and facilitator.”
— Christi H.

Relevant Blog Articles

Hookup Culture is the Antithesis of Community

Shifting from Victim into Creator Consciousness

Discernment Around Sharing Sexual Energy

When Trauma Becomes “State Addiction”


To fully integrate facilitation with rawness, event-direction with realness, and group-holding with vulnerability is, essentially, an impossible game. Arielle wins this impossible game. Again and again. Every time I’ve been to one of her containers, as a participant or a co-facilitator, she has blown me away with her ability to simultaneously channel intuitive wisdom, hold clear structure, and be 100% herself.
— Dave B.

About Arielle

Arielle Brown is guide, facilitator, and teacher specializing in tantric leadership, energetic alignment, and authentic embodiment.

Her dharma this lifetime is in service to healing the wounds of distrust and disconnection between men and women, through teaching channeled methodologies of tantric leadership rooted in Masculine-Feminine polarity integration within the Self. She has a B.A. in Clinical Counseling Psychology from Washington College, is a Certified Eating Psychology Coach, a Certified Orgasmic Meditation Coach, an a devoted student and practitioner of the alchemical, mystical, and erotic arts.

Within her 1:1 client work, group facilitation, and living curriculum, Arielle addresses increasing needs for evolutionary approaches to sexuality, spirituality, and leadership that facilitate power-WITH (rather than power-OVER) models of relating.

She has been facilitating groups for the past 8 years with a common thread of bringing awareness to the underlying distorted dynamics of energy, leadership, and power that can distort or manipulate authentic synergetic connection, often rooted in woundings regarding sexuality and gender.


- Reflections -

“Arielle Brown is a gifted facilitator. Her ability to identify the needs of a group, flow with what is most present, and deliver valuable and transformative content in a safe, comfortable, pleasurable container was one of the highlights of the retreat I hosted. I feel so blessed to have had Arielle support the retreat and each of the participants in such a powerful way. This retreat would not have been the same without her presence, her energy, and her gifts”. - Amanda Johnson, Awaken Village Press

“Arielle’s emotional intimacy workshop was a deeply rewarding experience for me. The ability to connect with someone on such a deep level in just one 3-hour workshop is a testament to the power of the embodied presence that Arielle teaches and the safe container she creates. What I took away is something I haven’t gotten in any other setting, and yet I’ve been able to re-create several times in the two short weeks since. Learning what it feels like in my body to state my desires and boundaries, to hear the same from my partner, and to respond to requests in (and out of) integrity with my body becomes not so much a verbal skill to master, but more like muscle memory: I can do it again and again without having to think about it, like riding a bike”.
— Matthew P.
Arielle is a beautiful and rare combination of masculine and feminine energy, able to hold a container; protective and nurturing like a loving mother, structured and challenging like a loving father. She shares herself with vulnerability but never seems to require her students to “take care” of her. She is clearly resourced in herself. She was with us every step of the way, never out ahead of us with a rigidly held pre-determined plan. She was respectful of our time and her own, and was always well prepared. Her warm sense of humor, easy laughter, and heart-centered listening, punctuated by apt responses delivered with surgical precision, made me feel safe to explore my own vulnerability in the container of the group. I highly recommend Arielle as a teacher, coach, and facilitator.
— Margarett B.

Arielle creates a great environment for practicing communication skills that you can take out into your relationships. Expect to connect with the edges of your comfort zone and have an opportunity to flex your “honoring yourself” muscles within a safe container. This experience was an extremely valuable part of my self-development and I highly recommend it to both men and women who want to deepen their relationship with themselves and others.
— Julia G.

“I’m a veteran group-goer and have been facilitating groups myself for 5 years, and often it’s hit-or-miss with facilitators these days—but being in Arielle’s Intimacy Groups was right on the mark! Arielle holds a watertight container for people to unfold and allow their true selves to be seen in a group setting. I’ve seen others who come in shy and closed transform into light and open beings by the end of a surprisingly short session. If you’re looking to deepen in intimacy within yourself or your community, I highly recommend working with Arielle!”
— Lauren Arrow, www.processSING.com
“I attended two of Arielle’s workshops at a retreat I attended. Two months later I find myself mentioning my experience in so many conversations. Arielle was so down to earth and real. No ego whatsoever. Just raw and vulnerable in her shares, which I found to be so refreshing and helpful in me doing the same. The exercises she had us engage in were thought provoking. They were deep and a edgy. They pushed my thinking into new spaces, especially around desire and self-worth. I look forward to attending more of her workshops. She is the real deal”. 
— Keri V.
I recently had the opportunity to participate in a workshop on Desire, facilitated by Arielle while at a writer’s retreat in Costa Rica. Arielle’s authentic vulnerability and her warm, loving energy created a container of safety and trust among our group, while her transparent and relatable presence set the tone and opened the door for us to match it. Walking us beyond the stigma around desire, Arielle led us on an intimate journey inward and helped us to let go of the shame and fear we often attach to desire: of wanting something more than our current reality or appearing ungrateful for what already have. Arielle opened the awareness of how, as a society, we are conditioned to engineer smallness, and how fear and shame are holding us back from achieving our highest potential.

Arielle brought clarity around the different types of desire and was captivating as a guide into authentic desire, bringing me into my body to tune in, listen, and identify what my soul was speaking. She helped me in taking me beyond my inner critic, where things would normally come to an end for me, to communicate my desires, claiming my truth from my soul. Through this process I gained a deeper wisdom, a knowing that my authentic desire is meant to take me to my higher self; that desire is more about who we become in the process rather than the actual attaining of our desires. Arielle has a gift in creating a magical container for alchemy. Her transparency and her innate ability for connecting with people from a place of love, combined with her authenticity of expression is inviting and truly inspiring. My experience with Arielle has been a transformation catalyst in my journey towards self-actualization.
— - Trish Campbell
“What I most like about her event is the connection I feel with those who attend, even those who are there for the first time. Arielle makes the event feel “safe” and this has the effect of inviting people to participate and “play.” Time flies and when it ends I usually wish it would actually go a little longer! I’ve been attending events for 5 years now and Arielle’s events are the best ones I know of in the North Bay, and the only one I go to on a regular basis. I miss it when I am away too long. I can’t recommend it highly enough. If you have thought about coming but have been “on the fence,” give it a try, once. You will come back”.  - Roy P.

“I have been attending Essential Intimacy, led by Arielle, for the past year. Since that time, I have been noticing the tremendous change of ease in connecting with people around me, I have been told that I project a sense of safety and openness, so more intimate connections can naturally occur. I appreciate her capacity to exude beauty and challenge me to create more beautiful life for myself.”
— Anatoly V.
Arielle is an engaged and warm leader, listens intently, and sets the tone for the group to be a safe place for sharing and expressing raw emotion. I highly recommend her workshops to anyone looking to embrace the realness of asking for what you want; without fear of rejection or judgement. You will feel empowered, open, and leave with a newfound strength to obtain the intimacy you have been longing for.
— Jennifer W.