Embody Your Truth. Access Your Power. Actualize Your Soul Path.


Waking the Wild Podcast
Using Desire as a Compass for Your Highest Destiny

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interviews with Arielle


Private Coaching & Mentorship

“Before working with Arielle, I was rigid and disembodied. All head, very little body awareness. I’ve worked with her in two different containers now (one group and one private) and I feel confident saying Arielle has been an invaluable part of my embodiment journey. Not only has her work greatly impacted how safe I feel in my own body & in relationship with my partner, it has affected literally every area of my life: how embodied and confident I feel as a leader, the breadth of what I’m able to offer my clients, how vulnerable I’m willing to be with friends and community, how much abundance I’m able to receive. Everything. After two prior investments with coaches who felt cold, distant, and very transactional…working with Arielle honestly helped me restore my trust and confidence in allowing space to be held for me. The devotion she has for her work and the care with which she relates in her containers is felt and unquestionable”. - Nicole Brennan, Coaching Client

I’ve never been more confident in myself and in my relationships with women. I am not afraid to ask for what I want. I realize that being more honest, more open, more direct is a total turn on. This whole experience has me tapped into to MORE of my lifeforce energy that also spills over into my career. I’ve never had more abundance in my life, at all levels. Our work together has been a big part of getting me on this frequency. I have never been more comfortable in my own skin and confident about my ability to manifest in the world.
— Tom B, Coaching Client

Online Group Programs

I run 3 different online group programs. HOLY DESIRE is a co-ed program focused on healing wounds of disconnection/distrust between men and women. CHANNEL is a men’s leadership mastermind focused on cultivating attunement and sensitivity in leadership. And the Erotic Integration Mastermind is a women’s leadership mastermind focused on healing wounds around sexuality.

Below are two clips discussing how our level of embodiment impacts the quality of our personal relationships and how it impacts our capacity to lead and facilitate a group space.

My coaching with Arielle is a journey that awakens me to who I truly am. I only entrust a small circle of experts to challenge into the next level of my life, and she spearheads this circle. Her vast understanding of what it takes to align my life with my truth has made all the difference. She asks the tough questions and calls out my power, not catering to ego or fear. She is exactly what every powerful creator needs in her life: someone that will challenge her to create exactly the thing she wants, first by finding out what it is. Through our work I’ve reclaimed my right for pleasure, and begun creating a marriage that aligns with my heart.
— Maria, Coaching Client

Hi. My name is Arielle.

I help leaders, change-makers, and purpose-driven entrepreneurs release patterns of self-abandonment and fear-based protection mechanism in your personal and professional relationships so you can fully open your heart and access your creative potential.

As Embodiment Facilitator, Relational Alchemyst, Psychedelic Integration Mentor, and Tantric Practitioner serving those on the path of self-mastery and liberated embodiment, I teach an approach to intimacy, leadership, and self-expression that prioritizes authenticity, creativity, integrity, and connection to the Sacred. A way of leading, living, and loving that honors our wholeness, human-ness, and divinity.

I’m here for the ones committed to creating a more beautiful world…and desire to be a living antidote to a traumatized, fast-paced, consumeristic culture that’s forgotten how to slow down, how to feel, how to connect, and how to exist in thriving relationship with mother nature and the Sacred.

My life’s work, play, and service in the intersectional realms of sexuality, embodiment, human connection, leadership, and consciousness expansion have first and foremost been a personal journey of growth, self-discovery, and self-cultivation that’s led her into the work she holds and facilitates for others. 

For the past 10 years I’ve offered 1:1 private mentorship for men, women, and couples, held transformational group containers, and in-person and virtual workshops on Masculine & Feminine polarity integration, spiritual alignment, energetic sovereignty, and the sacral-heart-crown connection. My 3 online curriculum-based group programs include a Men’s Leadership Mastermind (CHANNEL), and Women’s Leadership Mastermind (EIM), and an all-gender group program focused on embodied relationship with Self, Other, and Community (Holy Desire).

My Background

In recent years I’ve brought my intersectional work and perspective in the realms of erotic energy, leadership, and psychedelics into the public sphere. Through workshops such as Sex & Psychedelics: The Intersection of Space-Holding, Erotic Energy, & Altered States of Consciousness , which I co-taught with Jahan Khamsehzadeh, PhD (author of The Psilocybin Connection) in collaboration with the San Francisco Psychedelic Society(SFPS) in August 2021. I was also featured in the September 2021 Mt. Tam Psilocybin Summit to co-speak on Psychedelics, Sex, & Ecology. She has also participated in psychedelic leadership masterminds with Laura Dawn, of ThePsychedelic Leadership Podcast.

My “formal” education has been full of (at times unconventional) trainings and initiations, which include but is not limited to a B.A. in Clinical Counseling Psychology from Washington College, certification from Institute for the Psychology of Eating, a certified teacher of Orgasmic Meditation from OneTaste, receiving mentorship in the energetic and relationship arts from teachers including Chris Bale of Awakened Intent, Nicole Daedone (founder of OneTaste), and Kasia Urbaniak of The Academy, engaging in anti-racism work and teachings from Brig Feltus, founder of HEAL THYSELF: A Diversity Intensive for Healers & Life Coaches. I am currently enrolled as a student at The Arctic University of Norway for a 2 year Masters program in the Philosophy of Peace & Conflict Transformation (2024-2026).

And while my formal education has been vast and will continue until the day I day, I ascribe most of my “expertise” in this work (and play) to my direct lived experience in human connection, sexuality, and leadership in communities around the world which have required me meet my own shadows around self-abandonment, unworthiness, and scarcity, so that I could integrate those aspects of myself into more wholeness, integrity, and connection to my own Divinity.


Writings on Leadership, Intimacy, & Embodied Awakening


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